To encourage students develop confidence, self-motivation and to think independently.
To provide the students with an ability to build and enrich their communication skills.
To equip students to utilize the digital knowledge resources effectively for their chosen fields of study
To help them think and write imaginatively and critically.
The mainstay of the vision of the Department of English is to offer students adequate communication skills to prepare them for their professional needs in the globalized scenario prevalent today.
To impart multi-cultural and multi-lingual dimension to the study of the global language.
To enrich the language of students and help them actively participate in the social platform effectively.
To inculcate good values and aesthetics through literature.
To improve communication skills by adopting innovative strategies.
Preparing the students to face challenges in the competitive Global Scenario.
Students build knowledge of English language and develop the skill of communication.
To promote the study of English Language by developing all the four language skills.
Extend the understanding of how English language is intertwined with the various corporate and industrial needs.
Providing learners the best quality in teaching and learning and ensures the learner reach the target with the spirit of competence.