B.Sc. Physics

B.Sc. Physics


To impart state-of-the-art knowledge of Physics to create competency and skills.


The physics department is committed to impart quality education both in theoretical as well as experimental physics with special emphasis on ‘learning by doing’ for socio-economic growth.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The PEOs of Physics Department are compatible with the vision and mission of the institute and are as following:

B.Sc. Physics

  • To impart quality education in physics to students so as they become globally competitive physicist.
  • To make the students to accept the challenges in physics.
  • Effectively disseminate the physics knowledge to coming generations.
  • To create strong interest in physics so as students can further develop themselves through self-study.
  • To create a sense of ethical responsibilities among students.
  • Improve the student’s skills (professional, communication, transferable skills).