

All the students are members of the college library.

The library will be kept open on all working days from 9.30 am to 4.00 pm.

The library collections include all books, text books, reference books, encyclopedias, Dictionaries and general knowledge books covering all subjects provided by the college.

The journal collections consist of current national and international journals and magazines.

Library cards will be given to all the students. Library books will be issued only on presentation of the library cards. Two books will be issued per card. Reference books and journals will not be lent out.

All the books borrowed from the library should be returned on the expiry of ten days from the date of issue or when recalled by the librarian.

Strict silence should be observed inside the library.

If a book is not returned on the due date or when recalled, a fine of Rs.5/- per day will be levied.

All the books must be returned to the library four days before the closure of each semester.

In case a borrowed book is lost, the latest price of the book will be collected from the defaulter with other charges if any.

The personal belongings are not allowed inside the Library.